Cold Laser Therapy
PHC Chiropractic patients can now experience safe, non-invasive, opioid-free, and side-effect free pain relief with super pulsed cold laser therapy from Multi Radiance Medical.
Multi Radiance Medical manufactures FDA-cleared laser therapy devices for treating acute and chronic pain, arthritis, and other conditions.
Multi Radiance Medical technology combines three clinically proven wavelengths of light which reduce pain and increase circulation. The super pulsing laser emits light in billionths-of-a-second pulses, allowing light energy to deeply penetrate target tissues without the risk of overheating present in high powered, continuous wave lasers like Class IIIB or Class IV.
How Does Cold Laser Therapy Work?
The effects of low level laser treatments are photochemical. Photons enter the tissue and are absorbed in the cell’s mitochondria and at the cell membrane by chromophores. These chromophores are photosensitizers that generate reactive oxygen species following irradiation thereby influencing cellular redox states and the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Within the mitochondria, the photonic energy is converted to electromagnetic energy in the form of molecular bonds in ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). In order to interact with the living cell, laser light has to be absorbed by intracellular chromophores.
Cell membrane permeability increases, which causes physiological changes to occur. These physiological changes affect macrophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, mast cells, bradykinin and nerve conduction rates. The clinical and physiological effects are obtained by the way in which tissues absorb laser radiation. This tissue absorption depends on the wavelength of the beam itself and the power to ensure that the laser energy reaches the target tissue at the necessary clinical levels.
Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy
- Avoid opioid/NSAID exposure
- Drug-free, side effect-free, non-invasive
- Three proven wavelengths of light work together to effectively treat conditions
- Safest classification of lasers with no risk of overheating
- Treats common conditions like arthritis, acute pain, chronic pain, muscle strain, muscle spasm, and more