Full Body Chiropractic Adjustment
An adjustment is the chiropractic term utilizing conservative and safe manual manipulation or using instrumentation such as the Activator reducing spinal imbalance and pressure. A specific analysis is used to determine where and when to adjust the patient and along with conservative adjunctive therapies helps restore spinal balance, reducing pain and allowing the body to function with less interference.
Dr. Nore uses a number of techniques for full body chiropractic adjustments including: Activator, Impulse, Diversified, McManus Decompression, SOT blocking and some Kinesiology. He also uses Nutritional Response Muscle Testing.
Benefits of Adjustments
Life results in physical wear and tear often producing a misalignment of the vertebrae or spinal bones chiropractors call a subluxation. The spinal column protects the spinal nerves exiting between each vertebra. A minor misalignment may create an adverse systemic effect from muscular tension and pain to central nervous system irritation resulting in visceral malfunction. The adjustment helps restore spinal integrity.
- Overall, adjustments are an excellent way to keep the body functioning at its highest level.
- When the body is in alignment, the body is able to respond and perform as it was designed to.