Percussor Therapy
Percussive therapy is a gentle treatment approach for muscle and ligament problems and related myofascial conditions. The Percussor is a hand-held instrument that distributes waves of percussive impulses deep into the tissues of the body which promotes an increase in lymphatic flow and circulation. Percussion also can be used to decrease muscle spasm, release joints, and to loosen up fixated areas without using heavy forces.
From migraines associated with chronic TMJ to persistent lower back pain, percussor therapy can significantly reduce chronic pain. Excessive tightening of muscles or even areas with scar tissue can cause overall stiffening of the muscles resulting in pain. Both of these conditions, tight muscles or scar tissue, can be alleviated through percussor therapy. For muscle pain, percussors rely on trigger point therapy to release the tightened muscles. They work by breaking up scar tissue and adhesions in the body's fascia which cause restricted motion or pain. Fascia is part of the connective tissue system that protects organs, bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels, while fascia in its non-stretchy form makes up tendons. Essentially fascia extends throughout the entire human body forming a protective barrier.
Benefits of Percussor Therapy
The percussor can be used for a variety of treatments, including:
- Decrease muscle spasms
- Release joints
- Loosen fixed areas, such as tight muscles or scar tissue, without heavy force
- Reduce chronic pain associated with migraines, persistent back pain, and chronic TMJ