The reason the title of this chapter concerns cheating is quite simple. Life is a journey and very few amongst us are pure enough to travel the Road of Least Resistance without giving in to urges. Passing by your favorite bakeshop, having lunch with friends, the whiff of aroma from the corner store and just in a hurry to get something in the gut. Whatever the urge or weakness, cheating happens, so get over it and move on. Your goals, your purpose and desire will carry you through to the next level; the one pants size down, the improved lab test, the a-okay from your doctor and others telling you how great you look. These are the benefits and rewards of sticking to the plan and not giving in to a momentary diversion. Often a simple slip stimulates a drop off the wagon with a host of excuses. Stop now, regroup, re-read the goals you were supposed to write and share with others. Now is the time to call that supportive friend and confess the moment hoping they help you back to sanity. Cheating is never the answer and excuses to justify it are worse. There is never a simple solution just a cause to make it happen.