Weight Loss and Eating For The Health of It is one and the same. Either you eat to live, not live to eat or you continue to monitor your food choices, portions and count calories both providing less inches and increased health potential. As I reach the end of my 21 Day motivational and helpful blog concerning weight loss, I ask that everyone take a few moments to consider what you coulda, shoulda and woulda.
Could you have eaten less today, curtailed the urge to be naughty, prepared proper foods for the week and generated enough energy to burn some calories with exercise. But, if you are like most, you:
Shoulda created a diary of your daily food intake reviewing if you ate enough greens, fruits, vegetables of all shapes and sizes and watched our intake of sodium, which usually is way above the daily requirements. You should have read everyday, if you wrote them early on, your goals to keep you on purpose and motivated not only to lose a few inches but also to enhance your health and wellness. You should have discussed your plans with a few friends, better yet, have them lose weight with you, to get their encouragement and the daily motivation you need. There is not enough time or space to write excuses we create but you know them and none will surprise you.
What would you have done differently if today were Day One? Would you have planned your menus in advance? Would you have purchased more frozen veggies to create small quick meals you brought to work, so when you are in a rush you had a healthier meal avoiding fast foot joints during hectic times of the day. Would you have found ways to make Hummus from chickpeas, found on YouTube, allowing you another quick filling meal used with carrots, celery and peppers as scooper to dip with rather than pita bread. What else would you have done to make the last nineteen days more productive? How about, making it to Day Twenty One and start over but this time, no excuse, no coulda, shoulda or woulda.