No one said it would be easy. Changing habits and rearranging personal comfort zones is difficult and often life altering. Retreating to the way things was is a road less difficult but one more often traveled than confronting our weakness and desires. Weight loss, unless metabolic, is often an emotional rollercoaster where the ups are easier than the downs. Gaining weight is one extra bite, one wrong choice, one compulsive behavior pattern after another and persistent but chronic laziness, while losing weight takes commitment and inner strength. So, let’s assume we really want to get a handle on ourselves and take charge bit (bite) by bit, doing so will require changes as we get back in control.
Successful sport teams depend on a strong coaching staff. Leaving training to the troops often breed complacency and poor habits. Players have the desire and skill but fortitude and follow through is a human weakness that must be harnessed and guided to be champs. Therefore a coach is often helpful for you to succeed. An example, a typical AA meeting begins with an acknowledgment that the participants are alcoholics and they must be in front of their desires to manage their life and not indulge. Overeaters, have a similar weakness that must be managed to beat the odds. I recommend you find a partner who also wants to lose weight, a strong willed and committed person(s) that will keep you on track, as you will them. As mentioned in Day One, use community resources such as church groups or various weight loss companies that motivate along with cultivating a new you.
Friends, along with watching calories are watching desires. The easy road is reaching for food you can really do without but that wee voice within says: “a little bite won’t hurt and I’ll do better tomorrow.” No, there is no tomorrow, there is right now. Are you motivated! Motivation comes from a strong desire to reach your goals; lose those inches, drop those pounds, get into clothes without sucking it in, breath easier while walking up the stairs and most important is seeing your medical lab numbers go towards normal. If this is not motivation than we need to talk.
So, let’s review Day One to Four. You selected healthier choices to eat. You decided to eat more vegetables and less fruits. You prepared lunches and dinners making eating healthier easier. You found resources to help keep you motivated either on-line, in books, using commercial weight loss programs and convinced others to join in. In other words, this weight loss journey helps you get in control starting now.